Every day, we receive questions from homeowners and homebuyers throughout Michigan. We also can help you purchase a home in Florida, Ohio, Colorado and Texas!

Below, we answer some of our most frequently asked questions.

Q. What is your mortgage rate?
Q. Do you have to pull my credit?
Q. What if I do not have a high credit score?
Q. What if I cannot afford to put 20% down on a home?
Q. How do closing costs work?

Have More Questions About Mortgages? We Have Answers.

At Mortgage City, we love answering questions and explaining the process of buying a home or refinancing. During your consultation, we will walk you through the mortgage process step by step, making sure that you understand each step before moving forward.

If you are ready to schedule a consultation or if you just have a quick question, we would be happy to give you the detailed answered you are looking for. Please give us a call today at (248) 930-8709 to get started. We look forward to helping you with your mortgage needs.